Whenever you head out self-driving through the Wheatbelt of WA, it is important to ensure that you are heading out well prepared. Depending on where you plan to go, it is important to remember that some area’s are remote and have limited amenities, services and mobile coverage. Planning your travels and being aware of distances between towns and services will assist in you having a memorable experience (for all the right reasons!).
The following is a list of travel tips you may find helpful:
Always tell someone where you are going, when you plan to return and your scheduled itinerary.
Make sure your vehicle is in top mechanical condition.
Make sure you are aware of the mobile coverage available in the areas you are travelling to.
Check road conditions before departure. Rain can make some tracks and roads impassable. When travelling on unsealed roads, exercise caution and ‘read’ the road well ahead of the vehicle.
Carry extra food, water, fuel and vehicle spares if you are travelling on remote tracks.
In event of a breakdown in a remote location, remain with your vehicle.
Make sure you are carrying a supply of drinking water.
Roads and tracks on private property should not be used without the landholder’s permission. Leave gates as you found them.
Take care at all railway crossings. Train movements can be irregular and not all crossings have flashing lights.
Large slow-moving agricultural machinery may be encountered on main roads and local roads, so take care when overtaking.
Dust can obscure vision when travelling or passing on dirt roads.
Beware of wandering livestock and wildlife, especially at dusk and dawn when visibility may be poor and they become more active.
Be prepared! Pack a first-aid kit. Slow down on corrugated dirt roads and always drive at a speed suited to the prevailing conditions.
Food and fuel.
Food and fuels are generally available every 100-300kms. It is recommended that you plan ahead, LPG Autogas is not available in all regional areas or in all regional towns. Contact local Visitor Centres for fuel availability before travelling.
Road Trains and Long Vehicles.
Road trains and long vehicles are common along many regional Western Australian roads and in particular agricultural areas. Road trains can have up to four trailers and on the open road can travel at speeds up to 100kph.
Travelling with Pets.
Some caravan parks do not accept pets. Ensure you contact caravan parks in advance to identify those that are pet friendly. Dogs and cats cannot be taken into any WA national parks.
1080 Baiting.
Please be advised that baiting programs using 1080 are carried out across pastoral leases and Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) reserves to control wild dogs, foxes, feral cats, feral pigs and rabbits. Exercise caution when visiting these areas. Domestic pets should be kept close and under control at all times. Owners may consider the use of muzzles for their domestic pets.
Wildlife and the Environment.
When bush walking or visiting Nature Reserves do not disturb wildlife, remove plants, rocks or aboriginal artefacts. In warmer months watch out and stay clear of snakes. Always have a well-equipped First Aid Kit nearby in case of emergencies.
RV Friendly.
Lake Grace is an RV friendly town and an RV waste disposal facility is available, near the Lake Grace Sports Precinct and Skate Park, entry off Stubbs street.
Newdegate offers an RV waste disposal facility, behind the public toilets off Maley Street, Newdegate.
Varley has a RV Dump Point offers an RV waste disposal facility at the Chicken Ranch behind the public toilets on Seward Ave, they are a RV Friendly Destination.
The Shire of Lake Grace is partial to warm, hot summers and, mild and glorious springs and autumns and cold, crisp winters. With its variable climate, it is fair to say that from December to February (summer) it is hot, cooling down from March to May (autumn), quite chilly June to August (winter) and warming up again from September to November (spring).
The Shire of Lake Grace experiences its hottest temperatures in the summer months of December to February, however, it is not uncommon for these temperatures to carry over to early March. These months are dry and hot and relief is often provided by an evening breeze known as the “Albany Doctor” which often comes in early in the summer evenings.
The winter months can be quite cold and frosty and the majority of our rainfall occurs in these months.
Visit the Australian Government’s official Bureau of Meteorology website for monthly temperature and rainfall averages throughout Western Australia.